Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Ramblings on...working life for me in Doha

I sent this years ago (2007)...it caused a stir in Doha since people in Doha did not like what I wrote. Maybe because it was not the pretty picture it was meant to be. Perhaps the authority on this would be those from Missing_in_Obsecurity since they stayed nearly two years. 

I am re-sending this to all of you but re-titled as Ramblings...working in Doha

I have had two very brief tours of duty in Doha. The first was for a one month stint and the second (current) is for 3 months. Therefore, I am not an expert in this yet. However, I wish to share the following details:
  1. Salary Scale - those working in the Oil and Gas Industry have got it made They are reeling in money. But those in the Construction Industry are not. A Project Manager working for a local company in Doha can earn somewhere in the region of RM15K per month
  2. Accommodation - A room in a two bed-roomed apartment. Normally, a two bedroomed apartment can cost around RM6K
  3. Transport - A car with free petrol and maintenance. You should be given a petrol card with a maximum of RM250 per month ceiling 
  4. Holiday - 30 days paid leave per year upon completion of the first year
  5. Medical - Free medical since this is provided for by the government
  6. Ticket - 1 Free return ticket per year in economy. However, it is usual that you will have to pay for it first. Upon the completion of your one year service, you will be reimbursed.
General Information
  1. BE WARNED: even though it is tax free here, the exchange rate will kill you. For every QYR 10K you will loose close to RM1K.
  2. Food is plentiful, though somewhat more expensive compared to KL. So is clothing.
  3. Entertainment. I cannot vouch for that since I do not partake in it. Mine was a walk along the Corniche and some of the Souqs (markets)
  4. Shopping. Very few and far in between. Vellagio is the biggest. But it is still smaller than Subang Parade. The rest? Mere supermarkets which cannot even rival Giant in Subang Jaya.
  5. Doha is predominantly a MALE city. Everywhere you go you will only see this gender. The other species do NOT go out that much. Count your lucky stars if you can see ten of them at any one time.
  6. Cars are cheap. So is petrol.
  7. Summers are scorchers. It is like walking in a pre-heated oven
  8. Schools are expensive. RM2K per month for a Standard 1 equivalent. Of course, I have not asked the Indian, Pakistani or Phillipine Schools.
  9. DO NOT TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS of local Qatari women or GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS especially Qatar Petroleum. I can vouch for myself with photographs to boot. 
  10. DO NOT GO TO PRIVATE CLINICS. They cost an arm and a leg. Registration is RM100. Examination RM100. Medicine RM100. I have my receipts to show you that
Resident Permit
  1. You arrive with a one month Visit Visa - normally
  2. Your employer will take your passport from day one. So make a copy of it.
  3. They will send you to a photo shop to take your mug shot. I was sent in a van load of Bangladeshis to a place in the Industrial Area.
  4. Then send you for a blood group test in a Private Clinic
  5. Later, much later, you will be sent to the Medical Department. It is always crowded. So, make sure you bring your company representative with you. He might be able to cut short the queue. Here they will take your blood and test it for HIV and others. Next X-Ray. If you have TB, you will not be allowed to work in Doha.
  6. If your blood test and X-ray comes out clean, you will then be sent to the Immigration Department. They will take your finger prints - all ten of them.
  7. Soon after you will receive a card - your Resident Permit. This is the only official document which everyone here uses. Note that you cannot make a duplicate key without this Resident Permit. 
  8. Once you have your Resident Permit, your passport will also have a stamp denoting that you have a permit to work in Doha.
Going Home
  1. Before you go home, at least 4 weeks before, make sure you CAN go home.
  2. If you have a Police Case, you must clear it from the Public Prosecution Office. Or else, you will not be able to leave the country.
  3. Get your exit permit done 1 week or so before your flight. I dont know how it works but if your company has more than 25 staff, the company can get this done in 2.5 hours by sending it on-line to the Immigration Department.
  4. If you are on visit visa and have overstayed, make sure you have the receipts with you which indicates that the company has paid the fines. I think it is RM10 per day. Or was it RM100.
Working life
  1. Most construction companies employs Arab Speaking nationalities as their Project Managers
  2. Most of the Engineers are also of Arab Speaking nationalities. A small minority are Phillipines. There are a few Malaysians around
  3. Most companies employ men at site. Four level of workers: Arab Nationalities, Phillipines, Indians from India and the workers from Vietnam, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan...
  4. Shouting is common. VERY COMMON. Like in India and Pakistan, whoever shouts the loudest will win the argument - be it in board meetings, site meetings...
  5. Profanities is also common. But I have not heard it being uttered by the Arab Nationalities.
  6. Computer Literacy is very low.
  7. English is horrible. Tolerable at best. Reminds me of India and Pakistan.
  8. We faired better.
Just some of the pointers if you are thinking of working in Doha for the time being

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