Friday, 22 July 2011

Ramblings on...handphones

No, my ramblings were, and will continue to be, more of briefs...perhaps even thongs. . At least until my thumb ceases to function due to athritis, or they wrench this berry from me.

At least the spelling mistakes are acceptable (though there is a spell checker for berries). Grammatical errors are...excusable. typing skills - using one thumb - improves. At least when I tap on the computer key board I now have 3 fingers (two forefingers and a thumb!!!)

This berry is an interesting toy until I can decide (finally) to buy an ipad. It is my camera, phone, diary, web Surfer, address book, task...

I started with 555 way back then - those thin notebooks for IOUs. Then the pvc organiser before a leather one. Bulky and messy at times. The need to discard or file them was a bit too much for me.

Then came technology - the motorolla "brick". A few phone numbers in there as my address book. No more "black books"!

They get better by the day don't they?

Next step was an Alcatel. My introduction to fax modem and the internet. I had a Nokia communicator for a while. Better than the Alcatel and perhaps the precussor to the Berry.

Only the Motorolla was purchased. Other phones were, like this Berry, from my employers and/or Client.

My series of rambling were typed on this berry with a thumb...spending no more than 60 minutes whilst sitting in a train, cab, park bench...before senility sets in. At least not long enough to bore you (typing with one athritic thumb is a slow arduous process) but longer than SMS to form a story.

At least these ramblings, too me at least are my snapshots of my brief time here amongst families, friends and even enemies - after reading my incoherent ramblings.

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